Thai Massage

Benefits of a Thai Massage

Thai-Massage1Originally practised in India, the 2,500-year-old art of Thai massage has spread around the world. When first developed, Thai massage was considered a therapeutic technique that drew from both Ayurvedic and Chinese medical practises.

It is not like a traditional Western massage in which the client rests on a massage table while the therapist rubs oil all over their body and kneads their muscles and pressure points.

You'll remove your clothes and lie on a mat on the floor while a therapist employs stretching, tugging, and rocking methods to ease muscle tension, calm the mind, and increase range of motion and blood flow.

Thai massage, often known as assisted yoga, is a technique for increasing the body's overall chi or life force energy.

Tense muscles are worked out using the masseuse's entire body, including hands, thumbs, elbows, forearms, and even feet, in a traditional Thai massage.

A central tenet of Thai massage is that chi flows in certain patterns, or "sens," throughout the

By pushing and swaying your body in various ways and placing you in yoga-like poses, the therapist can help strengthen the sens' ability to channel energy.

What sets Thai massage apart from others is its incorporation of stretching, movement, and pressure.

If you're looking for a massage where you're actively involved rather than passively receiving treatment, Thai massage may be a suitable fit.

You can come to a Thai massage session in whatever loose clothing is most comfortable for you, or the therapist may provide you with a cotton top and drawstring pants to wear. During the massage, you stay clothed.

There is no need for a massage table because you will be lying on a mat or massage mattress on the floor. Your practitioner will help you into a series of stretches on the mat by utilising their own weight and pressure.

Unlike a Swedish massage, your muscles won't be kneaded or massaged with oil. Your therapist will instead use their hands, thumbs, elbows, and knees to rock, pull, and stretch you all over. Even sitting on you can force you into uncomfortable postures.

The practitioner of some stretches may guide you through a series of yoga-like motions while holding or tugging you into a specific position.

Please inform your therapist of any injuries you may have or areas of your body that are especially sensitive to discomfort before your massage begins.